Wednesday 30 November 2016


Ever wondered why Gaijin added those stupid ASU-57 and ASU-85 tanks that are clearly post-war vehicles (with post-war ammo), but not in tier 5?

Maybe they thought of adding something like this:

Note how at the 2:00 mark they show how the Russian airborne tanks were landed - with brake rockets igniting few metres above ground.
Supposedly, Russian airborne troops stay in such vehicles during the airborne operation (at least on combat drops)!

Friday 18 November 2016

Super detailed Fw 190D-9 skin

You need to check out this skin:

Focke Wulf Fw190D-9
II./JG 6 , Blaue 12
Fürth , Germany , 8 May 1945

 Disregard the 'outdated due to 1.53 patch' message. The following screenshot was made post-1.53:

The vanilla Fw 190D-9 skin is particularly bad and low resolution, so this one is a great improvement.

Wednesday 16 November 2016

WTF bomb

So I flew squadron battles with LED as LastDingo, and early in the match I announced that the Challenger on the Charlie cap is dead, so rest of team would not waste time or munition on him. I was 100% positive, for my 500 kg bomb was very well-placed and the tank had already stopped behind a building.

Big 500 kg bomb incoming!

Big 500 kg bomb impacts, even scratches the tank!

Big 500 kg bomb exploded. Tank still alive!
43 seconds later: That Challenger tank was finally killed with the third 88 mm hit by Crazy.

"260 kg of TNT"
"Max armor penetration: 116 mm"
"The radius of destruction of armored vehicles: 11 m"

Challenger tank: Hull front armour is 50 mm, maybe a little more with upgrades, but no way that grows to 117 mm.

And the tank didn't die to this bomb strike.

Bullshit. That's what it is.

Wednesday 2 November 2016

When three players ...

... do 90% of the damage on the ground in a ground strike mission, let me ask the other 13 players: