Sunday 8 May 2016


I'm flying rarely these days, and mostly as MaxKayDee, which is an account made for but one purpose: Try to get the maximum possible (for me) k/d ratio into the leaderboards (100 matches).

By now it's obvious that I can't get a flawless record.

I didn't lose a single He 112 premium plane (two bucks worth) en route to the Fw 190A-4, but I failed to stay alive in the A-4 three times already (in a total of 49 matches in the account so far).

Once an I-185 was diving at me from high altitude and I decided to evade by diving towards the airfield. An I-16 was in the way, but couldn't be hit (I was past 600 kph already) and sadly the I-185 was resolute enough to follow me and the airfield defences chose the I-16 as target instead, so I lost a wing when turning in an effort to stay within airfield defences' range. It was a classic "shit happens".

Second, I was stubborn enough to get shot down by a A-20G turret gunner. my bad, approaching from that angle AND staying behind the bomber for so long was stupid.

Almost third; a Pe-8 zombie gunner set me on fire early in an air domination match, I extinguished the (rear fuel tank) fire, climbed with a leaking (forward) fuel tank and then kept sailing till the end of the match. I was at 300 m when the match was finally over.

Third, a Spitfire IIb insta-killed me (likely 20 mm to the pilot) a split second after I scored a P-51 while I was diving with 750+ kph. That was likely a super-lucky shot.

Well, long story short: If you see MaxKayDee in a match don't chase me, please. You're most unlikely to kill me anyway. I usually get uncomfortable by reds that are 3 km away already save for the ones I'm intending to engage. :-)

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